Helping you be your best.

Home based physiotherapy

We know it can often be difficult for those that need it the most to access physiotherapy. As we get older, just getting out of the house, let alone in and out of cars becomes harder and just the effort of getting to a clinic can take it out of you. At Summit Physio, we come to you. Seeing our patients in their own homes not only alleviates some of these issues, but allows us to work with you in your own environment to develop specific programmes that are individual and personalised to your day to day needs. We can see you for any physiotherapy related issues, including those under ACC.


Residential Care Services

We have extensive experience working both in the community and residential aged care facilities. We can provide physiotherapy input for your residents, falls prevention education, as well as manual handling training for your staff. With strong links to the District Health Board, we can assist with referrals and provision of equipment when appropriate .

Our Services

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Home Based Therapy

At Summit Physio, we believe that providing physiotherapy in the home environment for older patients, maximises the potential for improvement and recovery. We know that each persons home has its own unique and individual challenges, some of which may be contributing to the problems we are addressing. By working with our patients in their own homes, we can focus on these issues, identify any specific problem areas and create personalised treatment plans to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Photo by KatarzynaBialasiewicz/iStock / Getty Images

Falls Prevention

Falls are the most common cause of injury in people aged over 65. Anywhere between 30-60% of people aged over 65 will have a fall each year, and up to 20% of those will end up in hospital. One of the best ways of preventing falls is through improving your strength and balance. We can provide you with an individualised home exercise programme and work with you to significantly reduce this risk or help you recover from a fall. Where appropriate, we can assist with the provision of suitable mobility aids and equipment.

Photo by Jovanmandic/iStock / Getty Images

Home Safety

Accidents at home can be frightening, and the fear of falling or injury can cause its own limitations and problems. Following a fall, a change in health condition or after surgery, things can become more tricky to navigate around the house. As part of our home visit, we can look at areas of the house that are casing concerns and help you make positive changes to make your home safer and easier for you to live in. We can help assist you when it comes to the use equipment such as walking frames and other aides to help make life easier


Residential Care Services


Rest Homes and Hospitals

We can provide physiotherapy input for your aged care facility on a regular or ad hoc basis as required. We can assess residents and provide moving and handling plans to ensure your staff are safe and using the appropriate equipment. We work with your physiotherapy and health care assistants to implement individual programmes and treatment plans for those residents that need it.


Manual Handling Training

With over 10 years experience in the provision of manual handling training within residential aged care facilities, we are able to provide a training plan that works for your facility based on your specific policies, procedures and available equipment. Training session times and duration can be adapted to suit you requirements.

“She worked with me on exercises to improve my balance and showed me safer ways to move around my home. She was kind and patient, and really improved my confidence. I haven’t had any falls since”

—Ken W.

Call to discuss your needs or to make an initial appointment

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